Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Colds all around

Well is has been an interested start to our week so far. Skyler came down with a fever on Sunday and had it until yesterday. The doctor said he just had a viral infection and he should be over it soon. He was definitely back to his old self last night and finally slept all night last night!!! I on the other hand have been battling a cold since Friday and when you are limited to what you can take while your pregnant makes it fun. For the most part I am just congested so it could be worse.

Nick is working at his new job well and it is not his favorite place. Right now he is helping the company do catch up work and he hates it. Hopefully it will get better for him as it is not challenging and he likes a challenge in a job. Overall though we are doing well and it looks like we are in for some warmer weather this week. I hope everyone is doing well!!!

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