Thursday, August 14, 2008

State Fair

Sky milking the cow

Sky's potato he planted

Ok so I know this looks weird but we were eating at the Fair and he didn't want the bun just the hot dog. As you can see he had other uses for the hot dog bun!! LOL

Well we had a fun outing to the State Fair this weekend!!! Skyler Slept part of the time and the rest of the time he was having fun!! We got to see the Budweiser Clydesdale Horses, Clifford the big red dog and he missed Bob the Builder due to sleeping. He got to pretend to work on the farm and loved it when we went through the animal buildings and we watch the cattle being shown. Other than that We burned down the shed we used for ducks last Friday so the yard is starting to look good. This weekend we will be painting Skyler's room. That's all for now!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Well it is picture time here is the latest and greatest of our evening last night!!!! Enjoy!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

August 4th

Hello again everyone!!! It has been awhile but we have been super busy. It has been fun getting adjusted to a new routine once again but we are surviving. Nick is on the road during the week days and home on the weekends. Skyler has been even more fun. He has been lots of new phrases and just got in his 13th tooth soon his mouth will be full. Skyler also go to enjoy his first parade this past weekend. He has been busy scooting around outside on his little 4 wheeler. He also potty on the potty chair for the first time this morning!!!! We are making progress. Other than that we are all healthy and happy to be back in Northwest Iowa. Hopefully next post I will have pictures to put up.