Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow

Here is our furry coon that came to visit

These are the snow drifts we have between the garage and little house at least 6 foot high

This is the drift out our backdoor. I am standing level on the ground with no snow under my feet if you can see how high this one is.

This is snowball after being outside for like 20 minutes tonight

Well we haven't been up to much this week except for staying in where it is warm!!! Nick had an interview last Friday and another interview today so hopefully he is on the right track and will have a job sooner than later. In the meantime he is going to work for a friend Curt at his repair shop until he finds something. Skyler got to play outside this weekend as it was finally warm enough to be out. We had temps of -27 without the windchill, last week Thursday so you can imagine why we stay inside!!! The pictures of drifts are from the high winds we had a couple of the days last week!! There is also a picture of a furry raccoon we had come stay on our doorstep...LOL. Allie was not a big fan of this little guy.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Just a brief family update. If you haven't heard the news already Nick has been laid off from his job. There is a chance for rehire but we don't know what the future holds for us. Hopefully he will find work soon. I hope everyone is staying warm. Hopefully we can get some pictures of our snow drifts and piles up for you our yard is one large drift!!! LOL Keep us in your prayers. Stay warm everyone!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

More Holiday Pictures

The Blue Ball Bandit

Aunt Sarah & I

Cousin Troy & Skyler playing

Skyler & Baby Cousin Elizabeth

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas & Beyond

This is the 34lb turkey we cooked for Christmas!!

This is one of the drifts from the weekend we had the blizzard warning. It was higher than the deck. Thankfully we had a couple warm days that the drift has melted down now.

Rolling out sugar cookies was getting a little stressful for him I guess

Modeling his new train pj's

Helping make the puppy Chow

So far he only likes to sit on the potty if he can read a book...LOL

Man oh man have we been keeping busy. With the holidays finally behind us we can get this blog updated!! I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. Our holidays here were fantastic. Skyler really understood the opening presents which made things super fun for us to watch him get so excited! Skyler helped make puppy chow and sugar cookies for the holidays and had lots of fun doing it. Here are some pictures from the holiday season. Enjoy!!!