Saturday, June 27, 2009


Well we have been keeping busy here and the summer seems to keep flying by. Skyler got new pool this year as he was a little big for his other one so he has been enjoying playing in the pool. He has also been busy helping Nick work in the basement as we are trying to get that insulated before winter. Skyler loves playing in the sawdust. I have been busy with work and Skyler. We spend about every evening home outside in the garden, swimming, or just playing around in the yard. He has learned how to make truck drivers honk so he is always doing that when they drive by.

The pregnancy is going well and so far I have not gained much weight which we are hoping is a good sign that this baby will be smaller in size!!!! We can at least hope for that. Skyler is such a little mime now. Monkey see monkey do. He will repeat almost anything and his vocabulary keeps growing so fast. He loves to play with Allie more and more and I think Allie is finally getting used to him hanging on to her tail and laying on her. Skyler is quite funny when Nick is not listening to him because he will come to me and say "Mommy, daddy don't listen" It is so hard not to laugh when you see the serious look on his face when he says it.

Nick is still busy as usual working full time and part time once in awhile for Curt and finding projects to do at home. He is thinking about building Skyler a picnic table over the winter and a train table so that will keep him busy for like 2 weeks maybe. He has also got to go fishing quite a bit this summer and it is something Skyler likes to go along and help with, as he catches the minnows to put on the hook. He doesn't quite have the patience yet to sit with Nick and hold the fishing pole for more than 2 minutes.

Well hopefully we will have more to update on in a week or two!!

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