Monday, October 27, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

Well we had a fun weekend this weekend. We have been watching Thomas all the time lately, everything has to do with a train. He is quite the jabber box and strings words together to make short phrases and sentences all the time. He even repeats quite a bit of what we say. We carved pumpkins on Saturday and Skyler had a lot of fun helping with that. He loved getting the seeds out and putting them in a bowl since we roasted the seeds when we were done. MMMMM!!! Anyways I hope all is well with everyone!!


rjfreese said...

you're such good parents to do that! If only we had taken the time...maybe tonight, or tomorrow I guess, pete really wouldn't know the difference!

Anonymous said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwww... I can't wait for you all to be here so I can see you next weekend :)